Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Thread of Blue Denim

I am not sure if you are familiar with the book, "A Thread of Blue Denim" if not I suggest you order a copy on ebay or amazon! I loved it and have the other books in the series in my collection and hope to get them read soon. I was sad to hear that the author pasted away last week. I meet the author Pat Leimbach  over 5 years ago at an American Agri-Women convention in Miami. She and her sister drove down themselves from Ohio. At that time Pat was in her 70s and what a hoot she and her sister were, telling about their adventures on the trip and then the "situation" they got themselves into in a not so safe part of Miami!

I was lucky enough to see her a a few other conventions, what a unique and awesome country woman she was! Read this article I found about her passing and the legacy she left behind.....AND then go order her book!


  1. I love books like this. I have ordered all three! Can't wait to read them.
