Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thrifty Chicken

I love this little bucket I got at that auction months ago. I bought it in a $1 pile, so I'm sure its portion was about 5cents worth!!!
I decided to do a little research on this item. I found an ad in a Farm Journal from 1900 for this product! Maybe this is a start to an  educational poultry post?!


  1. sounds like me! My husband is an auctioneer and we have a lot of farm sales...I LOVE buying piles of junk to sift thru! My hubby? Not so much~lol!

  2. Oh really...hes an auctioneer!? I must come to one of his sales. You might have to keep me posted on ones that are near my part of the state, if he is ever in that area. I love anything old related to Agriculture

  3. Yes, he started as a young boy. He and his dad have Winfield Livestock Auction in Winfield, KS(cattle sale every Wed) and we also have an Auction & Realty Company.(land, household and farm sales)
    We don't have sales that far north...usually closer to home.
