Thursday, August 11, 2011

The County Fair!

Our county fair ended over a week ago. I entered a few items in the Open Class (pictures below)  I have tried for the past several years to enter at least one item. The number of 4H & Open Class entries are down at our local fair sadly that seems to be the theme in many areas. I wanted to do my part in "making" the fair.

A little FYI-
Fairs are know as many different names around the world, such as agricultural show, fête, , exhibition or , festival, market and show. Many times fairs are associated with gathering of people to display or trade produce or other goods, to parade or display animals and often to enjoy associated carnival or funfair entertainment. The main purpose of some fairs are to trade goods and sell wares.  Normally fairs are short in duration any where from a few days to some that last weeks.  Some fairs date back to the Middle Ages.Attendance can go into the millions. There is so much to learn about fairs. As usual I don't like to make long wordy go check out more history and facts about the county fair!


  1. Nice entries- I meant to enter some things, but I forgot!

  2. Love your jewelery! I was going to enter some photography, but missed the entry dates.

  3. Lori, these were really nice entries. A great idea to support the local fair by exhibiting. We need to get together soon!
